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Fashion Mask

Why Wear a Paper Mask When You Can Wear a Fun Mask?

Yes, Virginia, there is such a thing as a fun mask. And as if that weren't enough, it can also be a fashion forward mask or one that makes a statement. In fact if you manage to collect as many masks as you can, you'll be providing fun for your friends and family who will marvel that you seem to be wearing a different fashion mask every time they see you. And speaking of Marvel, as in comic books, action figures, and blockbuster movies, yes we have a fun mask line of characters well known to teens, children, and animation film fans of all ages - women as well as men. 'Cause admit it ladies, you love action figures like Spiderman and beloved comic book and cartoon figures like Goofy, Grumpy, Cinderella, and Woody Woodpecker as much as you love flowers, butterflies, and other nature inspired designs. I know I do.


And if you have something to say that I haven't thought of, I also offer custom and special design masks for those who can jot their tasteful ideas down and send them to me. What's that? You say you just want a fashion mask, plain and simple, no embroidery. no messages, and no flowers or figures? Well, you make my job easy. For you we offer masks in solid colors as well as tie dye oldies but goodies. If you want to see all the ways we make wearing a fashion mask that's so much more fun than one of those ubiquitous blue paper masks, take a look at our G-ma JoJo Designs website, or our Instagram page. But come back often so you won't miss any of our ever-expanding collection of masks. I guess you could say we're out of control. But it's hard to stop designing them since coming up with new fun mask ideas is even more fun than wearing one.



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